Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Worst Morning Ever?

I think that I've just lived through what could be considered the Worst Morning Ever.

It started at midnight.  Kasia has been sick lately, and so she wasn't able to sleep very well.  She's had a pretty bad cough, and so I decided to take her into the guest bedroom to sleep in the big bed.  That helps her cough.  Well, she isn't the best of sleepers, and she likes to do this thing where she takes her toe nail and dig it into my back.  Then she likes to kick and scrape as much skin off my back as possible.  Suffice it to say, I did not sleep very well.

Then, after breakfast, I realized that it was the day we could go see Santa Claus at Little Birdies.  It's normally our library day, and so I had totally forgotten.  I'm rushing around like a chicken with no head trying to get ready to go see Santa, and meanwhile Kasia is crying/screaming "LIBRARY!" because she REALLY wants to go to the library today.  Of all days.  

It's raining, really hard and we get wet as we rush out to the van.  I try to cheer up Kasia by telling her she's going to see Santa.  She doesn't care.  Tears are flowing down her cheeks and "Library" is the only word leaving her mouth.

We get to Birdies and it's pouring rain.  I gather up everything and make a mad dash through the parking lot, and my shoes and socks get soaked.  

We meet Santa, but that doesn't go over very well with Kasia.  I'm hot, sweating, and trying to wrestle with a two year old to get her to stand next to Santa Claus so that maybe I can get a picture of the two of them together.  It doesn't really work, but Santa gives Kasia a lollipop anyway.  I tell her she can have it when we leave, and suddenly she REALLY wants to leave.

We get back to the car, and suddenly I can't find my keys.  We're standing in the rain, and I'm checking all my pockets only to realize that they're still in the ignition of the car.  And the doors are locked.  And Kara is the only person who has the spare keys and she's in Richmond.  

And the clock strikes noon and my morning is over.  

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