Friday, December 26, 2008

Merry Christmas!

It was bound to happen sooner or later, but after two tries, Kasia finally was able to enjoy Christmas on the third go around.  
On her first Christmas, she was completely overwhelmed with the whole event.  While she might have been curious about the toys and colorful boxes, the place she really wanted to be was somewhere else.  So she kept crawling in to the next room.
For her second Christmas, she was once again overwhelmed by all the fuss that was going on.  Her two older cousins were ripping in to their presents, and we kept giving her presents to open... which she did reluctantly.  The problem there was that she'd open a present and want to play with it for an hour before moving on to the next one.  It took us almost two days to open all of her gifts.  
The third time it was perfect.  She came downstairs on Christmas morning and saw all the gifts.. and then ran right to the doll house she had opened the day before.  I mean, the wrapped presents could be anything, but she knew that the doll house was a doll house and fun to play with.  We definitely didn't have to worry about her getting in to anything before we were ready.
Soon though we were all downstairs and ready to rip in to some presents.  Kasia was extremely excited and had a good time this year not only unwrapping her own presents, but handing out presents to everyone else.  And just in case we were having problems with taking the wrapping paper off our gifts, Kasia was right there to help.  
After everything was opened, we adults (Kara, my parents, and me) all enjoyed a good breakfast while Kasia continued to play with her toys and eat some chocolate that was in her stocking.  She then also ate some chocolate that was in my stocking.  And if you count chocolate as a major food group, then Kasia ate very well on Christmas day.  In fact, she ate very little else.  Normally that would concern us, but it was Christmas.  
Later in the afternoon we all went over to Judy and Darrell's to enjoy a nice Christmas dinner with the family.  The men spent the evening mixing and drinking different cocktails and discussing the fine differences between different types of Scotch while the women... I have no idea what the women were doing because I was with the men.  But the women were there, and I'm pretty sure they did some talking or something.  They must have all gotten along because there were no fights and no blood was drawn from anyone.  Personally, I had a great time.  Kasia was given a few more toys, and of course a little more chocolate.  
All in all it was a fantastic Christmas.  Kasia can't wait for Santa Claus to come again next year.  Maybe it's because she likes getting presents or maybe it's because we have a large tree in our house at Christmas time.  But she's excited for it to happen again.

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