Monday, December 29, 2008

Ama and Bupa Come to Town!

Before Santa Claus could come to town, we had two other guests come to town.  Grandma and Grandpa!  Yeah!  They flew in the Sunday before Christmas and stayed until the Saturday after.  At long last, we had house guests and a good use for that guest room that sits empty most of the year.
Originally we were fearing that maybe Kasia would not warm up to her Northern Grandparents right away and that it might take a little while before she felt comfortable with them around.  Fortunately, that was not the case.  She warmed up to them right away and immediately was walking all over the airport while holding Grandma's hand.  Then when we got home, she spent hours chasing Grandpa around the kitchen.  She had a blast, and my father got one heck of a work out.
Then on Christmas Eve, my mom sealed the deal when she gave Kasia one of her Christmas presents a day early.  A dollhouse.  Kasia's eyes lit up and she was in love.  All day long she played with that house.  She set up the furniture and made the new family feel right at home.  Then she went and got her other figurines and had them come over to say hello.  Mickey Mouse and Strawberry Shortcake all stopped by  for a quick visit.  Then, Winnie the Pooh came over and constantly insisted on jumping out the window. 
The downside to the visit was that shortly after they arrived, I came down with some flu like illness which knocked me out for most of the week.  Then after Christmas, just as I was getting  a little better, Kara got knocked out.  It wasn't the most ideal of circumstances, but then again, they came to spend time with Kasia.  So they got what they wanted for Christmas, and that's all that matters.
On Saturday, we all went out to lunch and then we took them to them to the airport.  We arrived a little early, but Mom insisted that it was ok since they both had books they could read.  So we dropped them off, said our goodbyes, and drove away.  Kasia cried... a lot.  She really hated seeing them leave and hated even more having to say goodbye.  Kara also didn't enjoy saying goodbye, and as we drove away, tears were also streaming down her cheeks.  I was the only cold hearted one in the car with a dry eye.  Maybe I've just had a lot more practice saying goodbye to my parents.
Hours later, after we got home, I received a phone call from, of all people, my mother.  Their flight was delayed by three hours and they were still sitting in the airport.  Fortunately, the did eventually get out that evening and made it home 
Hopefully the next time we all get together, none of us will get struck down with some major illness that takes us out of the game for days.  I know that's a tall order to fill, but maybe in the summer we can do it.

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