Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas With the Smiths

No Christmas would be complete until you have Christmas With the Smiths.  I swear, just saying makes me think that it should be a holiday movie.  
After our tearful farewell with dropping my parents off at the airport, and after Kasia and Kara both stopped crying from having to say goodbye, we stopped off at Mom and Dad Smith's to exchange gifts.  This means more presents for Kasia and more importantly, more chocolate.

The funny story is that there is this doll feeding/changing station from Target that Kasia absolutely loves.  Every time we go there we have to spend a minimum of half an hour with this thing as she feeds and gives baths to whatever stuffed animal happens to be nearby.  Now, being the wonderful grandparents that they are, Jeff and Kathy get this for Kasia for Christmas.  And Jeff spends a few hours, and a lot of frustration, putting the thing together for her.  So as Kasia is opening her presents, she gets a toy minivan to go with her doll house.  She is extremely excited about this and is having a great time playing with it.  Then we pull out the baby station to surprise her, and her reaction was, "That's cool.  But I'm playing with the minivan right now."  All that time and frustration spent putting the thing together, and she spends the night zipping her action figures around the room in their new little car.  Sheesh.  Of course now that it's home she plays with the thing all the time, and yet every time we go to Target, we still have to play with the one there.  I don't get it.
As for the rest of us, I got a circular saw.  How awesome is that?  I spent much of the weekend cutting two by fours to finish the attic floor.  I feel as though I'm officially a homeowner.  

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