Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Mom Makes a Ginger Bread House - Kasia Eats It

Over the weekend we down to BJ's Carolina Cafe to take part in a gingerbread house making workshop.  It was a fund raiser for the library and the proceeds were going to help the story time program that Kasia and I go to every week.  So we were super excited to go and watch as Kasia made her very first gingerbread house.Well, as it turned out, Kasia was more interested in eating the house and all the decorations than in building it.  She started by munching on the two gingerbread trees that were standing in front of the house.  Then she moved on to the gumdrops that were lining the roof.  The chocolate Santa Claus never even got the chance to come visit the house before we was taken away and eaten.  We even had gotten her a plate of French fries in the hopes that it would distract her long enough so that the house could be finished.  It did no good.  Kasia ignored the fries and went for the candy canes that were flanking the door.  Nothing could stop her.
Then, I guess, she got full.  She stopped eating and moved on to the fries.  
Kara displayed her phenomenal house making skills as she carefully layered the house in frosting and sweet tarts.  

Kara's Masterpiece

The house now sits on our kitchen table, and is relatively still all in one piece.  Much of the frosting has been swiped away by little fingers, and there are a few more missing gum drops, but all in all it still stands.  The problem is that at home, we don't have the French fries around to keep her distracted. 

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