Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Kasia Quirks

Kasia is now two and a half, and she definitely has some strange little quirks.  She's talking a lot more now, and that is in itself just grounds for hilarity.  For instance, she will always call her Granny "Cree" for some strange reason.  If ever you ask her where she wants to go, or where her toys are going to go, her answer is inevitably "Cree Poppy."  Translated into English, that is Granny and Poppy's.  
She is utterly convinced that the number five comes after the number two.  I don't know how many times we go over this, but it always comes out "one, two, five."  I guess this is an improvement over the way she used to count which was "two, four, two, four, TWO!!"  If you sing a Backyardigans song to her, she can tell you exactly what DVD that episode is on, but she can't get that three comes after two.  
She will imitate me and do anything that I do.  If she sees me turn on the fireplace, she turns on the fireplace.  If I walk funny, she'll walk funny.  She can learn anything... except how to use the bathroom.  What is that all about? 

1 comment:

Sarah E Ziegler said...

Yay for quirks. I love all this getting to learn about your life with Kasia.