Monday, September 1, 2008

She's Coming Right For Us!


With all this talk of hurricane Gustav slamming in to New Orleans, it appears as though a much more sinister lady is making her appearance much closer to home. Ms. Hurricane Hanna is rearing her ugly head, and it's possible that she may hit anywhere between Miami and the Outer Banks of North Carolina. The Outer Banks? Why, isn't that where we live? Indeed, it is.

Now everyone, here's what you need to do. You need to stop donating money to these "victims" of Gustav and start sending money to the potential victims of Hanna. We are much more vulnerable than the people in New Orleans were. Besides, they already received a boat load of charity. It's our turn now.

So, during this holiday weekend, we ask you to search deep within your hearts and deep into your pocketbooks and give graciously to the soon-to-be potential victims of Hurricane Hanna.

Thank you.


Unknown said...

That was a very moving request. The check is in the mail. Will a million dollars cover it?

Unknown said...

Hi, Gruetzmachers! It's Heather...I'm up in CT visiting Team Meyers. I can't believe how big Kasia is now! She's so cute! I hope you guys are doing well...all is fine and dandy in my world.