Monday, September 1, 2008

She is Just Kasia

Kara has taken the plunge and attempted to do something that I have to admit, I was to scared to try.  She and Kasia broke out the finger paints and created art.  I don't want to brag, but she is a natural.  Her paintings, err.. rather her "work" is astounding.  She sees the world in colors and shapes that the rest of us can't imagine.  She is a great artist.  She will be known to the world only as "Kasia."  

One-name artist have always fascinated me ever since I met the marine life painter Wyland in Orlando years ago.  Somehow, I had snuck in to one of his showings were a bunch of know-it-alls were sipping champagne and patting themselves on their backs for how much they appreciated art.  There was one guy in particular who was very vocal about his appreciation for Wyland's art, and as it turned out, the guy was his agent.  Out of curiosity, I asked him what Wyland's first name was.  
"He has no first name.  He is just Wyland!  Like Madonna or Cher!"  he told me in a very thick French accent.  He was very adamant that Wyland was just Wyland.
A little while later, I noticed that there was one guy hanging out in the corner who looked like he didn't belong.  Instead of wearing a suit and tie, he had on jeans, a t-shirt, and a really bored look on his face.  I went over and talked with him for awhile.  As it turns out, he was Wyland.  Great guy.  Really down to Earth, unlike Madonna or Cher.  So I asked him what his first name was.  "Robert," he said.  Apparently his agent never asked him what his first name was, otherwise he would have known that it wasn't just "Wyland!"
So, while Kasia may have a middle and a last name, in order for her to be taken seriously as an artist, we're going to ignore everything but her first name.  
SHE IS KASIA!  Like Madonna, or Cher, except more down to Earth and a lot smarter.

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