Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Happy Birthday To Me!

I meant to write this sooner, but I've been a bit under the weather lately. As I'm sure EVERYONE knows, my birthday was... um... two sundays ago? The 14th of September. It put me well into my thirties, and I'm still going strong.

So what did we do on such a monumental day? Well, I mowed the lawn and then in the evening we went to Lonestar Steakhouse to gorge ourselves on steak. We sat under a deer head the entire time, and it was kind of creepy.

Kasia seemed to enjoy it though. She kept reaching up and petting it and telling us that it was "soft." Indeed, it was very soft. Creepy, but soft.

My real birthday treat came later in the week. On Thursday the 18th, Kara and I drove up to D.C. for the evening to see James in concert. It was like a dream come true for me. I've been listening to their music for 17 years now, and I thought I would never get to see them perform live. My hopes were especially dashed back in 2002 when they broke up. Luckily for me though, they decided to get back together and do a tour of the US.


The show was at a small club in downtown D.C. and was sold out. We got a good place to stand and had a great view of the whole stage. James came on around 9:00pm and then played for the next three hours. It was amazing. They put on a fantastic show, and it was definitely worth the wait.

Here's a clip of the boys exiting after their encore. Note the trumpet player in the dress. He actually was able to pull it off and not look weird.

After the show, we went and grabbed dinner at Denny's. I haven't eaten out at one in the morning since... well, since a long time. It was kind of cool.

The next day, we stopped off at IKEA on the way home and picked up a few essentials for the house. Of course, we stopped at the restaurant for some Swedish meatballs.

Then over the weekend, I came down with the flu. It's been knocking me down pretty hard, but I'm slowly getting better. The bright side is that it waited until after I saw James before it decided to hit me. There is some good in this world, and that's proof of it.

So anyway, I'm beginning to feel better now, and so it's time for me to wish myself a big happy birthday! It was one of the best.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

James... never heard of them. =)