Monday, September 1, 2008

I Love My Digital TV!

Anyone who has visited our house probably knows that we are too cheap to pay for cable television.  We rely solely on a set of rabbit ears in the garage to help us pick up local television broadcasts.  The problem is that since we live in the boonies (or the chums, as some affectionately call it) our reception was never that great.  We could get a fuzzy version of Fox or a slightly static-y picture on NBC.  If we moved the antenna just right, we could also pick up ABC and possibly PBS.   CBS was a station that we have heard of but have never actually seen in our house.  
Digital television has changed all that.
We finally decided to go out and get the digital converter box so that we could see what this digital television stuff was all about.  Holy cow, does it make a difference.  We finally found CBS and it comes in crystal clear.  We have ten different PBS stations now.  In total, we have gone from getting 5 channels to 25 channels, and they all come in with crystal clear quality.  Truly unbelievable.  We can now watch television like most people and still be as cheap as we were before.
I have to admit though, I'm going to miss our daily routine of me in the garage moving the antenna around while Kara would shout, "Still not good... still not good... wait, it's a little better now.  Try to keep it there!!"

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