Tuesday, February 26, 2008

A New Experiment

I was reading a very interesting article a few days ago about a reporter's experiment to go without the internet for a week. I had read similar stories about reporters trying a week without their cell phones or television, but going without the internet for the week really made me think. Could I do it? Should I give it a try? My conclusion was no, to both questions. But I thought it would be fun to try a neat experiment like that, so I've decided to see what it would be like to go a week without food. I know that anorexics have been making a name for themselves with this whole "no eating" mantra, but could an average joe like myself do it? There's only one way to find out.

I'm keeping a journal so that everyone can know how the experiment is going.

8:10 am: Breakfast is over, and I'm going to begin this new quest with a full stomach. If I'm going to be giving up food for a week, I at least want my last meal to be filling. I had pancakes with maple syrup. They were extremely good. Oh well, here's to a week without food.

8:30 am: I can't stop thinking about pancakes. I can still taste the maple syrup on my lips. And as though to tease me, Kasia spilled maple syrup all over the table and I can't get the smell to go away.

9:25 am: Still haven't eaten anything. I'm drinking lots of water to compensate.

10:55 am: My stomachs rumbling. Kasia and I are going to go out so that I can get my mind off of food for a while.

1:15 pm: Can't stop thinking about food. Steak sounds so good right now. The thought of a nice, juicy burger is so appealing right now. I can't remember when I last ate. I'm beginning to get the shakes. My legs are weak. I'm having trouble seeing. I can get through this though. I need to see this experiment through.

1:20 pm: I just ate pizza. It was extremely tasty. The experiment is over.

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