Monday, February 25, 2008

Another Pet Peeve

Awhile ago, I mentioned how two of my biggest pet peeves were snarky British judges on reality TV shows and Australian hosts for informercials. Well, in looking for a new car, I discovered that there's another peeve out there that is now my pet. Fake wood paneling. Is there anything more ridiculous?

Why do cars pride themselves on having fake wood paneling on the dashboard? Why is that supposed to be a sign of luxury? If it was real wook paneling, would that make it better? No, it would be stupid to have a wooden dash. Maybe in 1923 it was kind of neat, but not today. One of the reasons we chose the minivan we did was because it was completely void of the fake wood paneling.

And if it wasn't bad enough in cars, the other day I noticed that my treadmill has fake wood paneling. ?? A book shelf made out of wood is a good thing. A table. A chair. These are all fine things to be made out of wood. But a treadmill? The thing is black plastic and gray metal... but then there, along the bottom, is a long sticker to make it appear as though there was a trim made of wood down there. Why?? I'm just thankful that neither my computer nor my television have any wood or want-to-be wood pieces in them.

Or as the snarky British judge would say, "It's just so hideously old fashion and cabaret."

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