Thursday, May 31, 2007

A Memorable Memorial Day

What a weekend. First, we would like to thank Karlie and Bryan for allowing us to stay at their place over the weekend. Thanks to Karen for her generous hospitality as well, and of course to the little people out there who made our weekend so much fun.
For the longest time we’ve been meaning to drive on down to the Philips’ new beach house and see what they’ve done with the place. Unfortunately with our own move preoccupying our time, we haven’t had the chance. Well, no more excuses. Over the Memorial Day weekend we decided to drive on down and see what our fellow North Carolinians are up to. First off, they have a beautiful house. What I really like is that it’s easy to find. From our house we exit our neighborhood, turn right, then drive all the way down until we pull into their driveway. You couldn’t ask for easier directions.
So went down for a visit and spent some serious time on the beach. The last time Kasia was down there was last labor day, and I don’t think she had that great of a time. She couldn’t walk, couldn’t crawl, couldn’t play, couldn’t do nothin’. It must have been really boring. This time around though all that has changed. She had a blast playing in the sand and digging little holes. She discovered what sand tastes like, and she must like it because she kept sticking her sandy fingers in her mouth.
Then somewhere on day two, she finally got brave enough and discovered the ocean. Keep in mind that this girl hates taking a bath. If you put her in a nice tub full of warm water and toys, she screams like she’s getting her toe nails ripped off. Yet, allow her to walk into the ice cold ocean, and she can’t seem to get enough. We’d carry her back to the chairs and she’d immediately go wandering back to the water. This has led me to believe that maybe bath time will go smoother if we just use really cold water. (On a side note, I discovered that she’s not as bad if you use the “frying a frog” method. You know the saying about how if you throw a frog on a frying pan, it’ll immediately jump out, but if you put it on a cold pan and then heat it up, it doesn’t do anything? Well, I’ve never tried it with a frog, but with Kasia and a bath it seems to work. Put her in an empty tub and she’s fine. Fill it with water, and she’s fine. But try to put her into a tub that’s already full, and she goes ballistic).
But I digress. The beach was perfect and we couldn’t have asked for better weather. Kasey and her kids were also down for the weekend and added to the fun. The only sad part was that it eventually had to end and we had to make our way home. On the bright side, we discovered that it’s only an hour and a half to get down there, so we’ll probably be making the journey a few more times this summer. That is if Karlie lets us, and if not... then I guess we’ll just have to pick the lock and let ourselves in. One way or the other we’re getting our fill of the beach.

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