Thursday, May 10, 2007

Where to Begin?

Suffice it to say, we’ve had a pretty busy month. So let’s skip the small talk and get right down to it.
We bought a house. We moved into the house. We will never again move to a new house... at least we won’t move our stuff by ourselves. My body simply can’t handle another weekend like that again.
It all started on Friday the 27th. We closed in the morning and quickly got to work on the move. Granny Kathy kept Kasia all day so that we could move fast and without interruption. We spent the next several hours loading up small boxes into our cars, along with miscellaneous thing that didn’t get packed. The more we accomplished on Friday, the less work we’d have to do on Saturday.
For Saturday, we rented a 24’ U-Haul which is supposed to be for moving a four bedroom house. As we looked at it, we thought that it might be a little too much, but it’s all they had left. Thank God we got it. Despite taking down several loads the day before, we still managed to completely fill the truck. After we unloaded everything, we also discovered that somehow, we were able to stuff a one bedroom apartment with four bedroom’s worth of stuff. Our new house was full already.
It was a long and tiring day. They don’t make pain killers strong enough to make me feel better after that day. But on the plus side, we did get to meet our neighbors. In fact, we have met more of our new neighbors in the first two days than we did in two years at our apartment. Our next door neighbor even brought us dinner (stuffed shells in cheese and red sauce). Who does that? I didn’t know that neighbors still did things like that anymore. Well, I’m glad to say that they do.
Now that we’re here, I suppose we’ll have to start getting all the normal things that a house demands. Apartment furniture just doesn’t cut it here. We’ll also need a dining table because eating on dinner trays just doesn’t work in a house. And don’t even get me started on all the lawn care stuff we’ll need to get. At least we have the patio furniture for the front porch. We’re all set in that category.
In other news, Kasia is officially a walker. It’s not just something she does from time to time anymore. She has abandoned crawling and will now just walk. The only time she crawls is when she is going up or down steps (which she absolutely loves) but that’s mainly because we make her. If it was up to her, she’d probably want to walk up and down those as well. We’ve also noticed that she sleeps a lot better in the house. Her naps are longer and she now sleeps later in the morning. I’m not sure why that is, but you definitely won’t be hearing us complain about it.
We are now unpacked, for the most part, and are trying to figure out where we go from here. We want to paint, but we’re not sure which colors. We want to replace the carpet, but we don’t know with what. Fortunately we opted to not get cable at the house, so we’ll have more free time to discuss it. We do have a pair of rabbit ears for the TV, and we can actually get in a couple of stations pretty well. Fortunately, one of those stations is FOX, which seems to be all we watch anymore.
Slowly but surely, we’re beginning to feel at home. The place already feels like home, and in the coming months that feeling will only continue. So if you’re in the neighborhood, please stop by. If you need to spend the night, that’s fine. We have a guest room now.
By the way, our new address is:
195 Green View Rd
Moyock, NC 27958

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