Monday, May 21, 2007

Mother's Day and Beyond

Kasia surprised her mother on Mother’s Day by getting up super early and screaming. If either Kara or myself spoke baby, we would be able to understand that she was shouting, “HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY, MOM!! YOU ARE THE GREATEST!!” Unfortunately, to our untrained ears, it sounded just like “WAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!” Once Kasia builds up her vocabulary, we’ll be better off.
Being that it was Mother’s Day, I got up and let Kara sleep in. We would have surprised her with breakfast in bed, but that would have meant waking her up, and I didn’t want to risk that. So we waited for her to wake up on her own and served her breakfast in the kitchen, at a table.
The rest of the day was spent up in Virginia Beach as we visited Kara’s aunts and uncles. There was food and fun, yet shockingly no music. No, wait, there was music. For some reason, Sandy decided to blast Barbara Streisand really (really) loud, and then she left the room. Maybe she didn’t like it as much as she thought she did.
As far as our house is concerned, not much has changed. We have worked some on the yard and hopefully within a couple of years we’ll have some decent grass. We were also able to clean up the garage enough that we can now actually park a car in it. I never thought that parking a car in a garage would count as an accomplishment, but it really is.
Kasia is still growing like a weed. Actually, I think she isn’t growing as much, but her hair is. There is so much hair on the top of that girl’s head that she’s beginning to rival her mother. She’s also getting a lot more teeth. Her molars are now coming in and she’s not feeling too good about it. Why do baby’s think that just because they have new teeth cutting holes through their gums, that it gives them the right to act cranky? I just can’t understand it.

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