Wednesday, June 20, 2007

A Feast of Magnificent Proportions

We hope that all you fathers out there had a wonderful Father’s Day and felt truly appreciated. We here at the Gruetzmacher household managed somehow to really enjoy our day.
The day could be summed up by saying that it was full of really good food. It started out with Kara making pancakes for us, and they were delicious. Then as the day progressed, the rest of Kara’s immediate family came over for an enormous cook out. Despite the fact that there were only six of us (plus Kasia), we had enough food to feed sixteen. It was amazing. Steaks. Pork loin. Rice. Peas. Corn on the cob. Watermelon. Mashed potatoes. Rolls. Cantaloupe. And the thing was that it was all incredibly delicious. The steaks were cooked to perfection. The pork was perfect. Corn... perfect. You couldn’t have asked for a better meal. And then while the fathers all went and relaxed on the couch, the ladies cleaned up. Now if you could tell me there was anything better for a Father’s Day gift than that, then I don’t know what it is.
After dinner, Kasia and Chatam went outside to play with some bubbles. I think they both had a great time. I know I got some great pictures of them playing, except that Kasia constantly has that pacifier in her mouth. I would take it out, but then she just picks up rocks and chews on them. So if I had to make a choice between the two, I’d rather her chew on the semi-sanitized alternative. Maybe one day she’ll give it up. Or maybe she’ll become like her Grandpa and just start chewing toothpicks. Or she’ll become like her father and chew on straws. Anyway you look at it, it doesn’t like it’s going away anytime soon.

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