Friday, July 6, 2007

Happy Birthday America!

I have to say something first. HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMERICA! YOU ROCK!!
That’s right. It’s that time of the year again where we celebrate our butt whooping of the British two hundred years ago by lighting off fireworks and trying to not get our fingers blown off. Fortunately for Kara, Kasia, and myself, we all managed to come out of the holiday with all ten fingers and ten toes. My car came close to getting hit with a Roman candle, but that was about all the damage we had.
No 4th of July would be complete if it didn’t contain a cookout, and no cookout is sufficient unless it takes place at Sandy and Kenny’s. Thankfully, they decided to have a cookout/pool party and even more thankfully, they decided to invite us. Kenny had both of his portable grills fired up and we had hamburgers and hot dogs aplenty. Much like Father’s Day, we had more food than people which meant that I had to pick up the slack and eat more than my share. For Father’s Day, Shawn and Chatam were there to lend their stomachs, but they’re now in Switzerland for two weeks dining on chocolate and... ummm... whatever else they eat in Switzerland. Apparently they’re going to France to dine on escargot. We’re all awaiting the story on that one.
But I digress. We dressed Kasia up in an adorable little denim dress for the 4th because nothing is more American than denim. Sadly, she decided to wear her bathing suit for most of the day and spend her time in the pool. She has become such a little water baby. No matter what the temperature is (either outside or in the pool) that girl wants to be in the water. Luckily that also applies to her taking a bath now.
When we got home, we discovered the difference between living in the country versus living in the city. Apparently out here everyone has their own set of fireworks. It seemed like each house was trying to outdo the next. We didn’t have to go and fight the crowds to watch a good fireworks show, all we had to do was stand in our drive way and marvel at the bursts of light in the air. Kasia was all tuckered out from her time in the pool, so she missed most of it.
Kara and I had a nice time just standing under the stars and gazing in the fireworks over head. That is, until we had to start dodging the incoming Roman candles that were heading our way.

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