Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Sleepover at the Beach

On Sunday, Kara had to go out of town for work, so Kasia and I drove down to Salvo, NC to spend some time with Karlie, Bryan and the girls. Kasia has been talking about wanting to go sleepover at someone's house forever, and this seemed like as good a time as any to make her wishes come true.
The last time we went down there, it took a little while before Kasia, Kylie, and Kinzlie started to play well together. That was definitely not the case this time around. They hit it off immediately and ran off playing really well together for the rest of the night. I had brought Kasia's Tinkerbell bed for her to sleep in, but after the girls talked, I was informed that there would be some new sleeping arrangements. Kasia wanted to sleep in Kylie and Kinzlie's bed, and since there was room for everyone, that was fine. But then Kinzlie wanted to sleep in Kasia's Tinkerbell bed, and if Kasia was in the big bed, that was fine too. Well, then Kylie wanted to sleep in her sleeping bag on the floor. So you had all three girls all sleeping in different places than they were originally supposed to.
Of course, as the night went on, Kylie moved in to the bed, Kinzlie moved in with her parents, and I was on the futon. It was a true sleepover, except of course the girls didn't do each other's hair and tell ghost stories.
The next day we went to the beach so the girls could play in the sand, and then spent the rest of the day jumping on the trampoline. I was kind of amazed at how well the girls were around each other, and despite the occasional dispute now and then over a toy, it went really, really well. When we left, the girls kept hugging each other goodbye, and Kasia was so pitiful looking when we walked out the door. By the time we got to the car, all she could say was a quick sobbing, "I miss Kylie and Kinzlie." So we're definitely going to have to go back again soon, and hopefully by then, the infamous Pirate Pool will be blown up and ready to go.

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