Sunday, March 7, 2010

Happy Birthday Kasia

(you may want to turn down the volume before watching)

Kasia is now a four year old! Can you believe it? Four years ago we were bringing this tiny little girl home from the hospital, and now we have this four year old, ice cream eating machine!
We had a small party for her at our house with pizza, cake and ice cream. Kasia's playmates, Devlin and Charlotte came over as did some family. It was a fun and chaotic time.
Kasia is really a lucky girl and was given a ton of new toys to play with. Sometime during her party, she decided to take the pile of gifts and stack them on top of Chatam.
So now our little girl is four and is getting ready to go to pre-school in the fall. She's developing her own personality, getting so big. It's amazing to look at the pictures of her from just last year and see how much she's changed in just a year.

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