Thursday, June 12, 2008

Wii Fit to Be Tied

Nintendo recently release their new addition to the Wii entitled Wii Fit. The concept behind it is that you do different activities on the balance board and it helps you stay in shape. A video game that helps you lose weight? Needless to say, it's tremendously popular right now.

So for the last couple of weeks, I've been on the lookout for one. All the stores are sold out, and they're selling on eBay for twice what you pay in the store. Then as chance would have it, I found it (the last one) at a Best Buy the other day.

How is it, you ask? Well, I drove all over town and spent $90 for a scale that tells me I'm overweight. Great. I could have told you that. Nintendo however tells me with a cute little animated balance board that dances around the screen, so it doesn't seem so rude.

So far, the only thing that has gotten thin is my wallet, but who knows, maybe that will change. According to the included game, I only have to drop 17 pounds before it will consider me "Normal." 17 pounds!! That would put me back at a weight that I haven't seen since I stopped ridiging a bike everywhere (aka, when I turned 16). Keep your fingers crossed that I will one day reach that "Normal" threshold.

1 comment:

Patrick Lewis said...

Well, my little bouncy scale has finally told me i am NORMAL. I have been hovering over it since purchasing mine, but i finally pushed down below. Perhaps we sohuld try to challenge each others scores, in an effort to get your scale to be nicer to me.