Monday, June 16, 2008

Happy Father's Day!

We had a great Father's Day here at the southern branch of the Gruetzmacher compound.  No father could ask for a better day.  First, Kara let me sleep in and then made me blueberry pancakes.  Then, we headed off to Little Birdies for a round of miniature golf and a little play for Kasia.

I've been playing miniature golf for years, and one question that usually comes up is "what is the most difficult obstacle on a miniature golf course?"  Is it the windmill?  The gorilla that smacks your ball away?  The water wheel that you have to hit just right?  No, as it turns out, the most difficult obstacle on a miniature golf c
ourse is a two year old girl.  Our two year old daughter to be precise.  Or to
 be even more precise, Kasia.  

As if trying to put around wooden barriers wasn't hard enough, Kasia adds the extra pressure of time.  From the moment you first hit the ball, you only have a few seconds before you have to hit your ball again.  If you wait too long, she'll snatch the ball right off the green.  

Here she is after having snatched all the balls and sat with them on the 12th green.  Keep in mind, that we were supposed to be on the 15th hold when this happened.  We took too long in between puts, and off she went with the balls.  We learned our lesson.

Eventually though, we got to the 18th hole where the balls get sucked away and never come back.  Kasia was having a hard time believing that the balls were truly gone.  But she eventually got over it and we went and played in the play area for a little while.  

Later that afternoon, Kathy, Jeff, Shawn, and Chatam came over for a good old fashion Father's Day cook out.  We put our grill to work, and enjoyed a smorgasbord of food including everyones favorite: spaetzle.  

We hope all you other father's out there also had a wonderful time.  

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