Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Tibet is Free

They are known to their friends as "The Three Stooges," but today, Larry Elders, John Brown, and Steve Lipinksi are known as heroes in Tibet.  These three climbed the Golden Gate Bridge on tuesday to hang their sign calling for Tibet to be set free.  The Chinese government was clearly listening as they released Tibet into the wild early on Wednesday morning.  

China President Hu Jintao, with a tear streaking down his cheek as he watched the newly freed Tibet frolic through the fields, said, "We had no idea that Tibet really wanted to be free.  But then, I saw that people were climbing the Golden Gate Bridge and hanging signs.  Well, that was all the convincing I needed."

After worldwide protests which included the extiguishing of the Olympic flame in Paris, Chinese leaders succumbed to the mass protests.  Insiders claim that the inner cabinet members were planning on remaining firm on their stance toward Tibet, but once they saw what was going on in San Francisco, they uniformly changed their minds.

"I mean, they climbed the Golden Gate Bridge!" exclaimed President Hu through an interpreter Wednesday morning.  "The freakin' Golden Gate Bridge!  What's next, the Eiffel Tower?  We just can't risk that."  

Word has it that they were also so moved by German Chancellor Angela Merkel boycotting the Olympic opening ceremonies, that they've decided to unilaterally end the killing in Darfur.  As a sign of reconciliation, they've also decided to build a new home for every refugee in Sudan while also providing universal health care to everyone in Africa.  

And here, I was thinking that protesting the Olympic torch run wasn't going to do anything.  Boy, was I wrong.

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