Sunday, April 27, 2008

Happy Birthday To Kara!

Yesterday was Kara's birthday.  I'm not sure how it happened, but this year Kara says that she turned 29.95.  That's getting dangerously close to 30, but I won't tell her that.  

Fortunately for us, this year her birthday fell on a saturday, and the weather was absolutely gorgeous.  That could only mean one thing: the beach.  We packed up our minivan and headed on down to Kittyhawk to spend some quality time on the water, and just do nothing at all.

Not surprisingly, we were only there for a few minutes before the familiar, "Kara? Is that you?" happened.  You see, everywhere we go around here, it seems like Kara will always bump into someone she went to school with or is friends with.  Usually the conversation goes just like this: "Kara, is that you?  I thought so.  I saw your hair and I just thought to myself, 'That's Kara.'"  It's always the hair that gives her away.  So here we were on her birthday, enjoying some time at a random place on the beach in Kittyhawk, when we bump into friends of hers from high school.  What are the chances?  Now, what I'm waiting for is to one day bump into somebody that I know.  That will be a real shocker.

The beach was absolutely terrific.  Kasia had a great time playing in the sand, and then after building up some courage, she ran into the water as well.  The water of course is near freezing because it's still early in the season, but that doesn't seem to deter our little wonder.  The biggest problem with it is that if she's going to go playing in the water, one of us needs to be out there with her.  Did I mention that the water was really cold?  So anyway, I spent most of my day out splashing in the water as well.  I have to admit though that after you're out in it for awhile, your feet usually get too numb to really care about the cold.  That's looking at it from the bright side.

Today also marks the one year anniversary of our purchase of the house.  It's hard to believe that we've been homeowners for an entire year.  We've made a few changes here and there to make things a little more "us."  Now all we have to do is fall into a ton of money so that we can make all the other changes that we want.  Does anyone know of a rich old person who is wondering what he can do with his millions?  Because we'll take it.  I'm just saying, if nobody else wants it, we're here.

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