Monday, March 31, 2008

We Live in Moyock

So what do people do in Moyock on a Friday night?  Perhaps that's a question that has crossed your mind.  Well, I'll tell you.  If you're like us, you sit in your house with all the lights off and enjoy watching a movie by the glow of a bug zapper that is sitting in your kitchen.  Romantic, huh?

The weather here turned really warm over the weekend, and for the first time this spring, the bugs decided to come out in force.  Now, we're not really sure how it happened, but sometime in the evening, we went outside to talk with our neighbors across the street.  By the time we came back in, our dining room light was swarming with these little black bugs.  They were everywhere.  They were on the ceiling, the windows, and the light.  We had an infestation.  So we brought in our bug zapper and plugged it in.  That seemed to do the trick as it quickly eliminated our bug problem.

And don't sit there and be all high and mighty because I know that if you had the option to do it, you would love to spend an evening listen to the zaps of a bug zapper while watching 3:10 to Yuma.  

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