Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Let's Party!

It’s been awhile since I last updated the site, but what a great couple of weeks it has been.
On September 20, my brother Eric and his family flew back to the states and stayed with us for a couple of weeks. It took a couple of days to get over the jet lag, but eventually everyone got into the swing of things. The first number of mornings, Alex and Noah were waking up super early because their bodies hadn’t yet shifted to the change in time zones. After that, Noah just kept on waking up early because he wanted to play with Kasia. Alex then felt compelled to wake up because it had been eight hours since he’d last watched Cars and needed his fix again.
While they were here, we went to the zoo to see the animals. Alex was so excited that I think we missed half the zoo. The entire time it was, “WOW! What other animals are there!” and then off he would run. We also went to the Children’s Museum in Portsmouth, which was a great time. Alex truly found his heaven in that museum as there is an entire room dedicated to Thomas the Tank Engine and all the toys. I’ve never seen a little boy look so happy.
The main areas of excitement though lay in discovering the movie Cars (did I mention that Alex enjoyed watching it?) along with discovering the Backyardigans. Kasia used to never watch TV, but she’s now an addict. She sits on the couch, points at the TV and screams until Backyardigans come on. As for me, I’ve seen everything way too many times now, and I can’t sleep at night because I keep singing Backyardigans songs in my head. They are that catchy.
But the big event during their visit was our wedding celebration party which we had at our house. We had everything: a big tent, plenty of food, plenty of drinks, and plenty of fun. My mother and Susan did a great job finding decorations and giving the event a “theme.” They did a wonderful job The weather managed to hold on and the rain we feared would hit us, didn’t happen. If you were there, we hope you had a great time and we thank you very much for coming. If you couldn’t make it, we’re sorry and we’ll have to get together some other time. In the end, we had a wonderful time and were extremely happy to see everyone.
And now, it’s over. Eric, Susan, and the boys have left for Chicago, and the house is eerily quiet. Kasia still runs around looking for Noah to play with and gets frustrated because she can’t find him. The tent is gone, and suddenly our whole backyard just seems so empty. It’s a strange feeling when you spend so much time and energy over planning and worrying about an event and then suddenly it’s over. Now what are we supposed to do with our time? I guess we’ll just have to paint the guest room, bathroom, and redecorate our entire great room. That may keep us busy.

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