Thursday, October 25, 2007

Backyardigan Addiction Revealed

Kasia was never one for watching much television. She would occasionally sit down long enough to watch ten minutes of the Lord of the Rings, but other than that she had better things to. That was until her Granny introduced her to the Backyardigans.
Suddenly, she’s mesmerized by the TV. She can’t get enough of it. In the mornings, she’ll sit on the couch, clutching her Backyardigans DVD while screaming until we turn it on. But what is it about the Backyardigans? Was it the colorful characters? The catchy songs? The fun little dances? Maybe it was a combination of all three.
Or so we thought, until Kara observed something in the end credits. Who is that doing lighting? Kasia Cieryt? Did our daughter know that another girl shares her name was working on the show? Possibly.
So now she knows that while her name be different than a lot of others, it’s not like we just made it up. There are Kasias out there... the challenge is trying to find them.

1 comment:

KasiaCie said...

Hey there. I saw this post and thought I would finally reply. I am "the" Kasia who did lighting on Backyardigans. Yes, there are many Kasia's out there.