Monday, September 17, 2007

Paint By Numbers

Apparently, we have become the final stop for second hand toys in our neighborhood. Most of the kids who live around us are in the 9-14 age range. That’s just about the time when they have to go through their closets and start to clear out their kiddie toys. And where do those toys end up? That’s right, in our living room. Kasia is getting a huge kick out of it because it means bags and bags of new things for her to play with and discover.
One of the things that she has discovered to play with is paint, apparently. Neither Kara nor myself saw the little container of face paint amidst the dolls and Disney Princess magic wands. Then that fateful moment happened while I was sitting on the couch, cleaning out a box of old receipts. Kasia was playing quietly in the corner by herself. From where I was sitting, it appeared as though she found a hand mirror and was having fun with that. A few minutes later she turned around and came walking over to me with purple and pink paint smeared on her face, from ear to ear. She looked like Braveheart about to go into battle. This stuff was everywhere. In her hair, her cheeks, everywhere. So I immediately did what any self-respecting parent would do. I ran and grabbed my camera. The result is what you see above. Enjoy.

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