Monday, September 17, 2007

Oh, to Be Young Again

Well, if finally happened. I finally turned 30. That momentous occasion in life where you stop being in your 20’s and start acting grown up has finally happened to me. The world has forever changed, in my eyes anyway. Music is always turned up to loud. I keep thinking how good kids have it these days. And the TV show thirty-something finally makes sense to me. The next thing you know, I’m going to be sitting around all day watching re-runs of Matlock. Old is as old does, right?
But I do have to admit, that other than the “idea” of being in my 30’s, it was really a non-event for me. Kara and I went out for pizza, and then just enjoyed a quiet evening to ourselves as the little one spent some quality time with Granny Smith (apples). There was no moment of depression. No thought that the “good ole days” are gone. I think that I’ve done quite well for being around for 30 years. I went to college (to see what they know); found and married a beautiful, fantastic woman to spend the rest of my life with; have a wonderful daughter; bought a house; and served my country in the US Navy. I’ve seen more than half of all the States. I’ve been to a dozen different countries. And now I’m a homeowner.
Not bad for an old thirty year old.

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