Sunday, January 31, 2010

Let It Snow!

Snow is somewhat of a rarity here in Moyock. Snow is actually a rarity in the entire area. At the mere hint that it might possibly snow, everyone goes in to panic mode. If it's forecasted to snow, schools are closed and everyone stocks up on canned food. A lot of times though the snow never comes. They build up the hype, and then we're all let down.
So it was really a nice surprise that this time when they forecasted it would snow, it actually did. And boy did it snow. We got around five inches of snow, and it was the perfect snow for building snowmen or having snowball fights. When Kasia saw the snow in the morning, she was practically bouncing off the walls. And while this is not the first time she's seen snow, it's the first time she's been excited to go play in it.
We went out and it was still coming down pretty hard. The first thing we had to do was roll a big snowball for our snowman. And reaching deep in to her creative name making region of her brain, Kasia decided to name our snowman Frosty. Brilliant.
We also had to have a snowball fight, because Kasia is obsessed with snowball fights for some reason. She also helped to clear all the snow off the cars. Since we don't get snow very often, we had to make sure that we made the most out of the time that we got. It was a ton of fun.

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