Sunday, January 10, 2010

Freezing in D.C.

One of the things we wanted to do while Kara was off from work was to go up to Washington D.C. for a day to walk around the mall and see the memorials. Originally we were planning on going up before Christmas, but there was this crazy blizzard that dumped two feet of snow on the city to ruin our plans. So we went after Christmas, when the snow was gone and the cold was on in full force. It was cold. It was really, really cold.
We did manage to thaw out just enough so that we could see the Lincoln Memorial and the WWII memorial, but that was about it. Kasia had a great time poking at the ice in the Reflecting pool.

As we were walking to the WWII memorial, this squirrel walked up to us and just stopped in front of me and posed for a picture. Or maybe he wanted food. Or maybe he was just saying, "I'M REALLY COLD! HELP ME!" Alas, we had no food, and he just wandered on to the next unsuspecting tourist.
It was a fun day despite the cold, and it helped me to make up my mind that I will never willingly go back to Washington D.C. again if I can help it. The traffic in the city is horrible. It's almost as if someone designed the city just so that there would be a traffic jam on every single street possible. I think that explains why a majority of politicians are idiots. They're all suffering from some advanced form of Road Rage.

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