Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Realism in Her Play

I think that it's extremely amusing to watch Kasia as she plays with her new doll house.  She seems to love to reenact all the things that go on here at our house, and she does them all very accurately.
For example, she'll pretend the everyone is waking up and that the family is going to go to Birdie's for the day to play.  Before they go however, Daddy has to take a shower and get everything in the van.  
But the funniest thing for me is when she puts the baby to bed.  She'll have the parents tell the little baby it's time to go night night, and then put the baby in her crib.  Then Kasia will start to cry as the baby because she doesn't want to go to sleep.  She does the fake cry so well, and then the parents have to come in and console the baby and change her diaper, and finally she'll go to bed.  It's the fake cry though that just amazes me.  She'll even have the baby stand up in the crib and shout "UP! UP! UP!!"  
She does the same thing with her stuffed animals and her read bed.  It's funny for me because it shows me that she knows exactly what it is that she does, and she knows exactly how we react to it.  It's very accurate.

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