Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Police and Segway Scooters Don't Mix

segway_i2police_ twoofficers_med

Segways seem to have found a niche lately with the police.  I'm beginning to see a lot of cops at different events riding around on them.  What's the deal here?  Are these guys out there to make the cops on bicycles feel more manly?  They look ridiculous.

When it comes to fierce looking cops, just about everything outranks the Segway.  Personally, for me, a cop on a horse is pretty bad ass.  Heck, even a cop just walking is more intimidating than a guy on a Segway.  And look at the helmets those guys are wearing?  Yeah, I'm feeling really safe with these guys zipping around the city at 6mph.

Come on already.  Maybe if we brought back the billy club that they could twirl, this wouldn't be an issue anymore.

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