Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Happy Halloween

This year for Halloween, Kasia decided that she was going to go as a "Cute Witch." I think that every little girl in her life time has to dress up as both Raggedy Anne as well as a witch for Halloween. Luckily for Kasia, she has checked off both those boxes on her "things to do" list.

Kasia was extremely excited about Halloween this year and really got in to everything that hadto do with Halloween. She wanted it all. She wanted the pumpkins carved, though she didn'twant to have to smell them. And she really wanted to go Trick-or-Treating, but she didn't want to have to actually say the words.Kasia was skipping and excited to get to the house to get some candy, but then as soon as she sawsomebody standing there, she froze. In a voice that was barely above a whisper she would say, "trick or treat." And then after she got her candy, she would the say again in that whisper voice, "Thankyou." As we were walking back down the driveways to go to the next house, she would then findher voice and shout, "THAT WAS FUN! LET'S DO THAT AGAIN!" By the time we'd get to the nexthouse though, she was back to her whisper.

When we got home, she dumped her treasures out onto the floor and began to count them. She refuses to eat any of her candy, but she pulls it out and then puts it back in her bucket. Of course,she has no problems with eating the leftover candy that we have lying around the house. I thinkthat maybe we scared her a little too much by telling her that she'll get sick if she eats too much candy because now whenever we suggest she has a piece she just says, "No, I don't want to getsick."

For more pictures, click on the Recent Photos slideshow and enjoy the little video. If you can't tell from the video, Kasia had a problem with wanting to wear her witch hat. She insisted on waitinguntil Aunt Sandy showed up before putting it on. To her credit though, she did put it on when Sandy arrived, only for us to take it off her again a little later because the thing kept falling off.

1 comment:

Patrick Lewis said...

That might have been the coolest thing I've ever seen. What program did you use to make that?