Tuesday, May 5, 2009

She's Got Cupcake Fever

For Easter, Kasia received a really neat cupcake kit from her Grandma.  This was another time, much like dying Easter eggs, when the thought of making a huge mess dominated every thought that I had.  So we put off making the cupcakes.  Kasia then ripped open the box, and started walking around with the bag of cupcake mix, and the tubes of frosting.  For a week she did this.  Finally, after fearing that she'd make a bigger mess by breaking open the bag of mix, I succumbed to Kasia's version of peer pressure (screaming) and we decided to make some cupcakes.
Much like dying the Easter eggs, my fears were worse than the reality.  We both had on our baking aprons (mine was borrowed from Kara, but it's pretty gender neutral.. so I didn't look fruity or anything) and got to work baking.  Kasia mainly just loved mixing the batter for the chocolate cupcakes.  Then she'd have to lick the spoon to make sure it was ready.  It wasn't ready yet, so more stirring.  Then a quick lick.  Still not ready.  More stirring.  On and on this went for about twenty minutes.  Finally, with half the batter gone, she finally let me put the batter into the pan, and then in to the oven.
For the next fifteen minutes, Kasia lost all interest in cupcakes.  She broke out her Dora the Explorer figures, and played with them under the table.

Finally, when it was time to decorate them, she got all in to it again.  She did a pretty good job squeezing the tube of ice cream to make little blobs of design on the cupcakes.  

When it came time to eat, she really wasn't all that hungry.  She took a bite, and then was done.  I guess when you eat half a bowl of batter, that tends to fill you up.  At least the cupcakes looked good.  

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