Thursday, March 26, 2009

What Happened to March?

So I looked at my calendar and realized that the end of March was fast approaching.  I looked on the blog and noticed I haven't written anything since Kasia's Birthday.  So what have we been doing with our time?
Well, we went to Corolla one weekend when the weather had turned exceptionally nice.  We walked on the beach.  We picked up seashells.  We ate ice cream.  Corolla is without a doubt the best the Outer Banks has to offer.  You should all go to Corolla.  
And spend lots of money there.  The fact that our county schools benefit greatly from the tax money generated in Corolla in no way influences my decision to declare Corolla the Greatest Beach in the World!

We spent another weekend at the Virginia Aquarium with Shawn and Chatam.  Kasia had a great time looking at all the fish and turtles and sea lions.  I had a great time watching her.  We all had a great time just looking at other things, until Kasia discovered that there was a children's play area complete with a dollhouse and a play kitchen.  From that moment on, it didn't matter that there were fish anymore, because playing dollhouse is all she wanted to do.
I also got around to a project that I've been wanting to do for some time.  I painted the ceiling in our kitchen.  For two years now, I've stared at the ceiling in our kitchen and kept thinking, "Geez, that thing really needs to get painted.  I mean, you can see purple paint from the sloppy job the previous owners did."  And so, after two years, and because I'm anything but a procrastinator, I finally painted it.  Or rather, I started to paint it.  I'll finish the rest this weekend.  But it looks good.
We also took the time to refinance our mortgage.  We've only had our place for two years, but the rates dropped to a point that it would be good for us to take advantage of it.  Of course, knowing my luck, in a week the rates are going to drop to 1% and we'll be SOL.  That's just the way it is sometimes.
Next week we take Kasia to the doctor for her three year check up.  Hopefully all is well and she's as healthy as she seems.  And hopefully it will go better than her first dentist appointment.  She did not have a good time at the dentist.  Fortunately, because she kept screaming with her mouth open, the dentist was able to take a quick peak inside and see that everything looked good.  I don't know what Kasia's problem was.  I mean, this dentist's office is posh.  Every dental chair has this floating LCD tv so you can watch whatever you want while they clean your teeth.  How awesome is that?
And that just about sums up March.  Not a lot happening, but that's ok with us.  Maybe April will provide a little more excitement.  It is, afterall, Kara's Birthday Month... so that's reason to celebrate right there.  

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