Monday, November 3, 2008

Halloween Happiness


Aside from Christmas, I think that Halloween has to be greatest holiday for kids.  What other day do you get a ton of candy, and your parents are totally cool with you eating as much as you want?  It just doesn't happen outside of Halloween.

Kasia had a great time this year on Halloween.  She dressed up like a pirate, and actually kept the little head scarf on her head all night long.  That in itself was a miracle.  Isn't she cute?

We walked up and down our street hunting for candy treasures.  She used her wagon as a mighty pirate ship that plundered house after house for chocolately goodness.  By the end of the night, he little pumpkin basket was stuffed, and she was gorging herself on treats from Hershey.  By the time the sugar high wore off, we were all worn out and the night was a success.

Now we get ready for Thanksgiving.  Or do we now get ready for Christmas?  I'm all confused now.

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