Sunday, July 27, 2008

Knotts Island Peach Festival

No Southern summer would be complete without a good ole fashion Peach Festival, and as chance would have it, we happen to have one right here in Currituck County.  So when Kara and I discovered that the Peach Festival was this weekend, we had to go experience all the peachy fun and flavors that can only be had in the Great State of North Carolina.  

There was music, carnival rides, shopping, and peaches.  Lots and lots of peaches.  We enjoyed ourselves some fine North Carolina peach pie served up with some home made peach ice cream.  Everything tasted sublime.  But no matter how good the food was, what attracted Kasia's attention the most were the rides.  It was next to impossible for us to keep our little daredevil off them.

First up was the giant slide.  This has always been one of my favorites, and now it appears to be one of Kasia's favorites as well. 

Another big hit with her was the roller coaster.  Now, unlike the slide, this one was for children only.  There was some hesitation about whether or not Kasia would be able to handle her first roller coaster all by herself and not get scared.  But, with the keen eye for safety that every carnie has, we knew that our daughter was in safe hands

(notice how he dangles the cigarette from his lips so as
not to get ash on the children.  Safety first!)

Fortunately, none of our fears were warranted.  Kasia did not get scared when the roller coaster started, and she did not try to jump out.  All she did was laugh.  She laughed constantly, and when the ride was over, she kept her seat and went again.  In the end, she must have rode that roller coaster over ten times, and loved it the entire time.  

By the time we left, I think that it's safe to say we had a great time.  What I loved about the whole day was the simplicity of it all.  It was simple fun and simple pleasures.  The kids had a great time on the little kiddy rides (and Kasia is too young to thing anything is "lame").  Everything was very relaxed, and very casual.  The bands played off an on all day long, and the peach pie was constantly flying out the window.  It was a day where the fast, and hectic pace of life was slowed down for awhile, and time was once again your friend.  It's strange to say that it made me feel like a kid again during the summer, when there were no worries or concerns to trouble you, but then again, if a North Carolina Peach Festival can't make you feel that way, nothing can.

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