Monday, December 17, 2007

Making Christmas Plans

Christmas is soon approaching and there’s almost no chocolate left in the Countdown To Christmas Calendar. I never thought I’d hear myself say this, but I think we need to celebrate Christmas like they do in Puerto Rico. We just party all the way until January 6th. Then, just for laughs, we tack on an extra eight days of Christmas just so we can have an excuse to keep the festive spirit alive. It would also put off having to take down the tree and lights.
As the week comes to a close, we’re prepping for our big journey up to snow country. The thought of spending 18 hours in the car is not an especially pleasant one, but fortunately the ends justify the means. It’ll be great to have the whole family together for Christmas, and hopefully there will be plenty of snow for all of us kids to go and play in. Kasia has her snow suit and she’s just dying to try it on... and God knows that she won’t be using it around here anytime soon.
And speaking of Christmas in the great state of North Carolina, and I highly recommend the Christmas ballad “Christmas in Carolina” by the Squirrel Nut Zippers. It’s just the thing to help swing in the holiday season.

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