Thursday, December 8, 2011

'Tis the Season

Wow! Where has the time gone. Christmas is almost upon us again, and it seems like the last time I posted anything was.... last April. Oops. I guess I missed a thing or two. Kasia has finished pre-school and started kindergarten. She has lost two teeth, and gained two new ones. And now she can ride her bike without any training wheels. What's next on her to-do list? Get a job. Oh wait. That's my list (for her!).
Anyway, I posted a whole bunch of new pictures, and some that aren't so new. No matter how old they are, they're still cute! Merry Christmas everyone.
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Saturday, April 2, 2011

A Man of My Word

So I said back in January that I probably wouldn't be updating my blog all that often, and I have kept my word. In case you missed it, here are the highlights of what has happened since January:

1. I went back to school to get an MBA
2. Kasia learned how to spell and write both her first and last name
3. Kasia turned 5
4. Kara got even more beautiful

I did however just upload some new photos, so have a gander at those. It seems like the older Kasia gets, the fewer pictures I'm taking of her. She's still really cute though (in case you didn't know that).

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

And a Happy New Year


I know, it’s been forever since I put up a post, right?  I guess I was so intimidated by my Swiper pumpkin that I just didn’t feel like I could top it in any way.  So what has the little angel been up to since the last post?  Really, too much to talk about.  But here’s a brief synopsis:

Pumpkin patch and hayride field trip with her class, and that was followed up with Halloween (she was a cowgirl).  Following Halloween comes Thanksgiving, and her grandparents drove in from Chicago to come be thankful with us.  They weren’t thankful though that their car broke down while they were here and so they had to spend a few extra days hanging out with us.  We really loved having them.

Then we started getting ready for Christmas.  The tree was up, the lights and decorations were all looking lovely and festive.  We went to the Chesapeake Christmas parade and Kasia got to meet Santa.  Then she met him a week later at her schools breakfast with Santa.  She and the other kids put on a show for the adults with songs and costumes (Kasia was dressed as a Christmas tree ornament and sang “I’m a Little Ornament”).   Kasia couldn’t wait until Santa came to visit, and then visit he did.  We had a wonderful Christmas filled with presents, love and family (and bread pudding).  The day after Christmas we got a nice surprise in the form of a blizzard which dumped over a foot of snow on us.  Even more surprisingly was that it was the second big snow storm of our winter.  If this keeps up, I’m going to have to invest in a snow shovel.  So while Christmas wasn’t very white, the day after Christmas was extremely white. 

Then New Years came and went without much fanfare and Kasia went back to school.  Come to think of it, a lot has happened since October.  Kara and I both had grandparents pass away.  My grandfather passed away in early December and her grandmother passed a few days ago.  Both had been suffering for a long time and can now finally rest.

So what’s up next for us?  Well, I go back to school at the end of January.  I’m excited/anxious for that.  Kasia is doing well in school and is learning a lot.  She’s working on learning to write her last name right now, and hopefully by the time she’s a teenager she’ll have it down.

And if you’re wondering if my New Year’s resolution was to update this site more often, it isn’t.  I’d like to say that I will, but chances are I won’t.  But I’ll try to do it more than once every three months.  It’s just that the holidays are so busy.  You understand, right?  But I will try to put up new pictures soon.