Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Happy Birthday To Me!

Happy birthday to me! Happy birthday to me! That's right. I had a birthday (a week ago) and for those who don't know, I'm now 32. Sweet Lord. When you say it out loud (or write it) it makes me feel so old. Wasn't it just yesterday that I was freaking out over who to ask to my junior prom?
I had a great birthday this year. Since Kara had to go in to work, Kasia and I decided to go on down to Kittyhawk and play on the beach. Then we went out for lunch at Mama Kwans, which is a tiki bar and grill that I've really wanted to go to (mainly because they have a billboard for the place just outside my neighborhood). It was excellent, and Kasia even enjoyed eating there.
Then Kara came home and brought Uno's Chicago style pizza with her. We feasted on pizza and beer. We opened presents, and we had a huge hot fudge brownie with ice cream dessert.
It was an absolutely terrific day. It was so good, that I didn't even mind turning 32.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

First Ferry Trip


One of the things we have always talked about doing but never have was to take the ferry over to Knotts Island.  Well, last Saturday, the weather was absolutely perfect and so we drove on down to the dock and hopped on the ferry.   This was Kasia’s first time on a ferry boat, and my first time on a ferry boat where you could drive you car on (I’ve only taken passenger ferries before).  So it was a big day for all of us… except Kara.  This ain’t her first rodeo.

So with the wind at our backs, and seagulls flying high over head, we shipped out for 45 minutes of fun.  It really was just a nice cruise across the sound and on to Knotts Island.  Kasia was a little scared at first and didn’t want to stand on the ferry, but after a few minutes, she got used to it.  She had a great time watching the birds fly after us and the water speed by.  In fact, later she would comment on the whole event by saying “I was on the ferry.  I was scared for one minute but then I wasn’t scared.” 

Now, once you’re on Knotts Island, there isn’t really a whole lot to do.  Every summer they have a peach festival, but this weekend there wasn’t anything going on.  So we stopped by the two wineries on the island as well as the “general store.” 


At least I guess you could call it the general store.  It was really just a run down shack that sold a bunch of old things, but it had some character… and some characters working there.  It’s a must see if you ever happen to be on Knott’s Island.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Kasia’s Second Trip to the Dentist


IMG_0953 Just after her third birthday we took Kasia in for her very first dentist visit.  To say it lightly, it didn’t go so well.  She screamed and cried throughout most of the visit.  After spending thirty minutes trying to calm her down, the best we could get her to do was to open her mouth so that the dentist could see that she actually had teeth.  Baby steps.

It’s now six months later, and we went in for the second visit.  What a difference six months make.

For days I had been prepping Kasia for her second trip to the dentist.  We talked about it quite a bit, and even played “dentist” quite a bit and everything was great.  She was excited to go.  If she behaved, she could get a toy as a prize.  He was looking forward to that toy.  It was going to be great.

Then we got their, and things started going south.  She saw that room, the chair, and the instruments, and suddenly she was clutching Cuddle Pup, refusing to go in.   The hygienist, who had gone through this with us six months ago, decided to give us some time to work it out ourselves.  So I talked to Kasia and eventually talked her in to sitting down in the chair and relaxing. 

When the hygienist came back in, Kasia was much better.  I sat right next to her as Kasia got her teeth cleaned, polished, and painted.  Then, somehow, Kasia was even ok with getting her teeth flossed. 

The dentist then came in and check everything out.  In short, her teeth are very healthy, and all is well.  Oh, and for those dying to know what toy she got, it was a the Wonder Pets Flyboat.  Because no house is complete unless it’s filled with the Wonder Pets.