Sunday, April 19, 2009

Happy Easter!

Kasia was excited about he Easter Bunny coming to visit this year.  In fact, she was so excited that she woke up extra early so that she could run downstairs to see what he had left.  This of course meant that Mom and Dad had to also wake up extra early to go see as well (which was really unfortunate because we had stayed up kind of late the night before watching a movie).  
The fun started immediately, as the Easter Bunny had hid an egg right at the bottom of the stairs.  "AN EASTER EGG!" Kasia shouted with glee.  The race was on.  She grabbed her bucket, and started hunting.  She looked high and low and discovered egg after egg.  One by one the eggs fell to this mighty egg hunter.  Occasionally she would stop for a moment, crack open and egg, and enjoy a quick hit of chocolate.  Then she went back to the hunt.  
After fifteen minutes, the eggs were all safely captured in her bucket, and the new hunt was on for the Easter basket.  I was personally kind of amazed that she didn't find the basket while looking for the eggs, but I guess she was just too focused on those colorful little plastic wonders.  Soon, after a lot of looking (and a few hints from Mom and Dad), Kasia found her Easter Basket.  This was then the beginning of a week long chocolate binge that Kasia would only end with the help of an extremely upset tummy.
In the afternoon, we went over to Kenny and Sandy's for a nice get together and Easter dinner.  Kasia spent a lot of the time upstairs in the loft playing with an old can of Billy Beer, and fixing cookies and drinks for anyone who wanted them.

Kasia makes a fantastic concoction from Billy Beer

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Dying Easter Eggs

Easter got off to a great start this year with a fun round of dying Easter eggs.  I never really think it's a good idea to let a three year old splash hard boiled eggs into various cups of  colorful dyes, but once a year we throw caution in to the wind and just go with it.  In my nightmares, I can see waves of colored vinegar/water splashing on to the walls and the floors.  Kasia stands there, dripping from head to toe in a blue and red dye, and Kara informs me that there is no way we can now sell Kasia's clothes because that stain in never going to come out.
Fortunately, in real life, things turned out a little better.  The only real damage happened to the eggs as Kasia got a little carried away and instead of gently placing the eggs in the dyes, she threw them in with such force that it would make Nolan Ryan jealous.  Apparently the dye doesn't work on the cracks in eggs.   Who knew?  But she did manage to keep the mess down to a minimum, and in the end had an egg or two that she could be proud of. 

She was very proud of this egg.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

A Visit to the Doctor

Kasia had her three year check up, and this time we were preparing for the worst. The whole day I kept telling her that we were going to go to the doctor, and that it was going to be fun. I told her that if she behaved, we would get ice cream after. I told her that if she behaved, she could practically do anything she wanted. I just wanted her to not scream during the entire visit (as in her visit to the dentist).
So we get there, and she's all in good spirits. We get into the examination room, and she's doing well. While we wait, she's getting a little restless, but nothing too bad. The nurse comes in and asks some preliminary questions. She does some quick examinations, and Kasia is behaving very well through all of this.
Then Kasia eyes some toys in the doctor's office across the hall. Whatever health problems she may have or will have, nothing can be said about her eye sight. That girl can see a toy or a school bus five miles away. So she sees the toys, and the nurse says that she can go over and pick one out to play with. She gets one and plays with it for awhile before deciding that she wants to swap it out for another toy. This goes one for awile before the doctor comes in.
Then the doc comes, and examines her. Again, she behaves perfectly She's a little shy and tries to hide her eyes when he's trying to shine the light in them, but other than that, no fuss. When it's all over, the doctor informs us that he wants to take a blood sample because Kasia is such a picky eater. So Kasia gets her finger pricked and blood drawn. Not a scream is heard or a tear seen. Nothing.
When does she scream? When does she start to fuss and throw a fit? When it's time to leave. That's right. She has no problem getting her finger pricked, but when we tell her that she has to leave the toys behind so that we can go, she goes ballistic. How many kids do you know throw a fit when you tell them it's time to leave the doctor's office??
So here are the facts:

Fact: Kasia is 38" tall
Fact: Kasia weighs 29.75 pounds
Fact: Kasia's blood (despite eating nothing) is completely healthy
Speculation: Kasia is probably taller than 38"... I think she was slouching

So now we don't have to worry about the doctor's office for awhile. Maybe next time we'll bring more of our own toys to the office.