Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Keeping Order

The Little Peoples Airport can be a rough place.  Often times, chaos is the rule and not the exception.  Wild animals from the 100 Acre Wood and Noah's Ark have taken control of the place.  Thankfully there's a new sheriff in town to keep the law.  Johnny Thunder.

Tigger was getting a little out of line and needed to be brought down.  Johnny Thunder used a tranquilizer gun from a 100 yards.   At least he said it was a tranquilizer gun.

Peace has once again been restored.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Kasia Sleeps in a Real Bed Now

It took us just shy of three years, but we finally did it.  We finally took the bars down and let Kasia sleep in her very own bed.  I don't know what we were thinking, but it seemed like a good idea at the time.
Over the weekend, we took the bars off her crib and converted it into a toddler bed.  We put some Strawberry Shortcake sheets on, and Kasia loved it.  We put a gate up at the top of the steps so that wandering toddlers wouldn't fall down in the middle night.  We changed everything in one fell swoop.  
Now, Kasia wakes up for no reason in the middle of the night and comes in to our room.  Why?  I mean, I know kids do that.  I use to do that, but why is she doing it?  Why do I find her standing in the hallway at one in the morning?  The odd thing is that we just walk her back to her bed, and she goes right back to sleep.  And she'll wake up bright and early now in the mornings.  We used to be able to get up before her and have some "me" time, but not anymore.  The strange thing is that now I can't sleep.  I'm constantly paranoid that every little sound I hear is her walking in to our room.  Every time the blanket shifts, I think it's Kasia hitting my feet.  So maybe this weekend we'll put the bars back up and see how that works out.  Well, maybe not, but it was worth a try.

Kasia Kicks it Old School

Kara got me some Old School Sesame Street dvds awhile ago.  They start off with a warning that states these early episodes are meant for adults and may not be appropriate for today's pre-school child.  
Well, they may not be appropriate, but I have to tell you, our pre-school child loves them.  I mean, she LOVES them.  She'll sit there and watch these things over and over.  She counts with them.  She talks back with them.  She learns her letters.  All Old School.
The funny thing is that she doesn't really like watching the modern Sesame Street.  She likes Elmo and Zoe and some of the other characters, but as a whole show, she won't watch it.  So what is it about the Old School ones that don't make it appropriate, and yet make it a wonderful learning tool?
Could it be the afro?  None of the people on today sport the afro anymore.  The long sideburns are also gone.  Were they the secret ingredient to learning the ABC's?  Or was it that they focused on a few, simple ideas and tried to teach them?  One word, repeated over and over throughout the episode.
I watched Sesame Street the other day... and they were talking all about "estimating."  Not exactly 1,2, 3 but I guess it's useful.  Zoe and Elmo had to estimate how many hats they were wearing.  Both of them won.  Everyone won.  Nobody lost.  Old School Sesame Street had people who lost.