Sunday, August 24, 2008

Breakfast Boogie

Kasia really likes to listen to the Backyardigans while eating her breakfast.  The only problem with that is she gets so involved with her dancing, that she forgets to eat.

We Are The Three Amigos!

What a weekend.  We decided to make the trek down to Salvo so that Kasia could get some quality play time in with her second cousins, Kylie and Kinzlie.  It looked at first as though the day on the beach was going to be a bust as we were quickly rained out, the skies eventually opened and we had a beautiful beach day.

Kasia and the twins were a little hesitant of each other at first, but after a few minutes (and a couple cookies) the three made their way along the beach looking to cause mischief.  Later in the evening, as the adults were enjoying dinner, the girls bonded even further by all refusing to eat their meals in unison.  It was a display of solidarity that was on the verge of being admiral.  But as the night wore on, and the kids got sleepy, we had to say goodnight and make the long haul back up to Moyock.  

Hopefully we'll be able to get the three of them together again soon so they can discover what other kinds of mischief they can create together.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Grunt Like A Champ

With all that grunting she does, you'd think she was a tennis player. She really does give it her all when she does her chin-ups in the pool.
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Wednesday, August 6, 2008

An Armed Society Is A Polite Society

Kasia and I were having lunch at Chick-fil-A this afternoon when we noticed this nice gentleman sitting across from us.  Actually, I noticed his sidearm, and then noticed him.  Was he a cop?  Nope.  Detective?  Nope.  Just a guy packing heat in case things get a little too intense.  Maybe he was expecting those cows from the billboards to come in and attack.

I think that what really was going on was that he had the gun concealed, but that's illegal here in the South.  So he had no choice but to show it off to everyone.  I noticed everyone was extremely polite to him.  Interesting.